Health and safety standards
Human FirstHealth and Safety Policy.
To ensure the safety and health of our employees, suppliers, visitors, and relatives in the workplace, we adopt a systematic and preventative approach to all activities. This involves identifying and minimizing health and safety hazards at work. We monitor technological changes and allocate resources accordingly to ensure ergonomic conditions in the workplace.
We plan continuous improvement activities to reduce work-related accidents, occupational diseases, and deterioration of health. We monitor practices and performance against planned goals and ensure full compliance with legal and stakeholder requirements for occupational health and safety.
We assess and participate in applications, opinions, and recommendations for creative workplace health and safety solutions. We organize training and awareness activities required for the adoption and implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
Kolarc provides products and services to the manufacturing industry. We integrate the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System with the Environment and Quality Management Systems and aim to continuously improve it.